Sunday, August 9, 2009

A sea of emotion. A storm of thoughts. Looking for the calmness of solice.

I am amazingly confused emtionally. I really haven't a clue what I'm feeling or even how I should be feeling. It's like certain things are right but some don't even make any surmountable sense to me. Like I said confused. Like totally. Just my whole life is a bit of a whirlpool. Don't really know what to do or where to start or even if I should do something? But maybe it will all pan out? Or maybe I'm screwed. School on top of all these like emotions is definitely not helping at all. But that's life I guess just how you take it to be. Could all eventually turn out tone pretty awesome. Hmmmmmm. I'm tuthfully confused and an utterly shameless to declare it here that I do not get the opposite sex otherwise known around the wolrld as girls. If they like a dude can't they just go ahead and make it known to the otherwise clueless dude. Then by the time he gets it that she's into him he's suddenly too slow to react only cause apparently all girls think guys are like freaking magic mind readers. I think it's kinda dumb. But I guess girls are kinda awesome still. But they should totally give guys like a. Slight break for us to catch up with th cause we aren't necessarily the like the smartest people around. Like seriously. I'm just ranting but it's only cause I'm not sure what to do. And it sucks to have this feeling. And I still have to pack my bar for kl. Homygoddd. So screwed. Life for now kinda sucks. But I'm sure things will look up soon. Time to think positive!