Thursday, January 13, 2011


Everyone avoids it, presumably?
Yet it is anything but escapable.
Light only exist i the presence of dark.
You only feel joy if there has been sorrow.
The perfect utopia then would only be less than perfect because
If everything was perfect then nothing would be.
The dichotomy is the essence of being.
No one is an angel without knowing the devil.
The devil would be nothing if not to define the angles.
How, what, why you feel,
Isn't it all mere moral relativity.
Who decides what is wrong and what is right?
Eons ago, clothes were not necessary. Class had no part in society.
But progression brings along divisions, definitions,
Which dictator decided he did not want to see anyone in the nude anymore?
Suddenly its called evolution.
Brilliant minds?
Restrictive one?
Is it all not perspective?
Why would I do something bad for me or that is morally wrong.
Well to you possibly,

Now isn't that ironic?

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


So imagine this.
What you wear defines who you are.
Not in a fashionista sense.
Like generally what you where,
Identifies who you are.
A label.
Right there for everyone to see.
And you go past a place.
An empty place.
Not empty in the abandoned sense.
More like the empty when the inhabitants are in respite.
An extended break.
Then you look to yourself.
Your clothes.
Defining who you are.
Judging who you are.
And you stop to think.

What am I doing?
Who am I?
Where should I really be?
How did I end up like this?

But before long you pass.
Your left a mindless abyss.
The clothes still there
Defining you
Judging you
Telling you
Who you should be.

Then you drift off and think.
Wouldn't it be easier if everyone was just

Friday, August 6, 2010


Haven't been here in a long time.
Much has changed.
A's are nearing.
Is doom looming?
Do your nails glitter?
Yeah. Some of them.
I'm sleepy.
But I feel the day was wasted.
Unless sleeping is seen as productive.
Then I should do it now.
But my mind is a slight mess.
Isn't it weird how if we haven't
Seen or heard
from someone in 7 years.
We could just hit it off.
At least I feel so.
Why does it feel like I'm talking to
Am I bi-polar?
I guess you could say so.
But I'm not.
Mohawk's back.
I'm a warrior facing the
Abysmal A's.
The might is within me.
Every war is won in the heart first
Before the battlefield.
Good night then.
Sleep well.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

clarity doesnt always come with light

A single entity in a large mass of black nothingness.
Light emits from the vast range of knowledge behind you.
You can barely recognise your own hand in the light.
So you question your reckoning without reason.
Your own place without purpose.
You feel lost, helpless lonely.
Then in an instance you see a beacons heading to wards you.
As it moves closer you grow anxious, nervous but
At the very same time excited and a tad relieved.
You blink.
In an instance, time is loss.
What was far off was not right in front of you.
Unrecognisable, he asks only one,
"Is the meaning of your name 'friend'?"
You are confused. But you answer,
"No, it means 'truth'"
A snicker comes from him.
Out of loathe or dejection you'd never know.
The light was never really there.
He picks up another light from behind you,
And wonders off.
Leaves you alone, as lost and as helpless.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

goal of the year

Don't burn out till after A's
Same as O's. Just get there.
How the results come out depends.
Just work within limits to get there.
Without burning out.
No die outs allowed.

Just so tired.
Drifting to sleep now....

Friday, February 26, 2010

dancing with myself

It really feels like it.
Well there's the whole batch of j2's with me.
But it feels difficult to keep up with everything around.
I don't really see the root cause of it all.
Most sources say it points to my own attitude.
Then the question is.
What exactly am I doing?
Am I in the right place?
Lost perhaps?
But certain areas are fine.
Awesome even.
But others, they just seem to overflow.
Its like as you get older and peak in this screwed up education system.
More is put on your plate.
So much at such a fast rate.
You aren't given enough time for your plate to get bigger.
Grasping j2 is like doing primary school in a year.
Time management is key.
One of the many keys to unlocking this door.
Why not make it simplier.
Everyone take a step back.
Just a moment to take it all in.
A momentary pause in the hectic, busy
Exponential speed of life here.
Can I just have the time.
Just an hour more than 24 hours would help.
A lot.
Rambling is not good.
Time must be used effectively.
Screw this.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

chilese lew year

Don't know why I'm blogging.
But seems to be making me sleepy.
Which is good.

Read a quote today
"I wish one day everyone would say,
just what everyone else needed to

Now, wouldn't that make the world a perfect utopia. Also
I read on MLIA, about how a 5 year old kid wished for world peace.
And her baby sitter told her everyone does. And she said
Cause if everyone did, the world would be in peace and not pieces.

Don't get why everything closes on chinese new year.
I personally think its a tad racist.
I mean what are all we minorities gonna do?
Walk around and stare into closed shops?
Haha. There's an idea!