Thursday, November 26, 2009


I'm flying off on the 3rd.
Somewhere I've never been before.
Well its not really South Africa or anything.
But the thrill of just travelling to a new country excites me.
So much to expect or nothing at all.
But for sure new found experiences that I can't gather from Singapore.
And I feel it comes at a pretty awesome time.
Right when I'm pretty much feel slightly lost & unfeeling?
Not the perfect phrasing but this emotion.
Can't really put it into prose.
But I think if I do some soul searching now.
It'll help me a great deal.
Just stop and take stock of where I am.
Where I've been.
Where I'm headed.
And most importantly how I'm getting there.
Doubt it will be very pleasant but I'm sure
I'll be relieved by the end of it all.
10 days is a long time to take to think.
And hopefully India would be a humbling experience.
Just to help me understand this whole
Mass called life & earth a little bit more.
Soul searching (Y)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


The weekend was pretty fucking crazy.
Tired me out to the fucking maximum.
Gave school a miss yesterday and I'll get to see an
On 1st december at 0910 hrs.
After seeing Peter Moey the ass wipe.
I feel fucking drained.
I'm kinda enjoying life now.
But I feel it could be better.
Or maybe I just need more sleep.
Or maybe I need to take someone out.
Oh well.
Let's just wing it and see how everything pans out.
Just go with the flow.

Saturday, November 21, 2009


I think I see a glimmer of hope.
Imma wing this shizz and hope it works out.
No matter if it doesn't.
At least I tried.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Bus Rides

Bus rides are cold on wet wednesday evenings.
They make you curl up into an almost ball like state
With your bag to cover yor arms
With random people pulling the alarms

I want some chciken McNuggets.
Like now.


I do not know what to do.
I do not know what to feel.
I do not know what to go about doing now.
I do not know what to say to her or even if I should ask her out.

I am just plainly confused.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Is it in the waitress who whisks around with trays full of plates?
Or in the stance or pose of an A-list actress on the red carpet?
Or maybe even in the oldenday samsui women with their hats never being out of place?

Or maybe, maybe its just within the person herself.
Can be within anything.
Playing a guitar?
Frying a chicken?
Working at a fastfood outlet?
If elegence is within you.
Even taking a crap would be elegant.


Now one thing that bothers me is, when someone sins, they are labelled blasphemous or evil.
And don't get me wrong. I think murderers and rapist. Like actual crimes of morality in society.
Yeah I guess if people label them. Then hey you did kill/rape someone.
My question is.
Why is it when people drink or smoke or do drugs, party. Whatever old people seem to think unfit for us.
Suddenly we are evil. Like we are bad people. Like if I club. Means I drink and smoke and fuck around. Now this might be true.
But what pisses me off the most?
Is when they associate this lifestyle with being a screw up or fuck up in life. Where you womt surmount to anything.
Like if I club now I will end up bumming around when I'm older.

Lemme then pose this to all you people who think so.
What if, I club and 'fuck up' my life.
But find time to study.
Get to uni.
Scratch that, get into a local uni.
Score a job in the private sector.
Would I still be fuck up then?
Would I?

Monday, November 16, 2009

Chicken Nut Bread

Life feels stagnant.
I feel like there should be something more.
Something to work for.
Toil for.
And really care for.
And I'm sure A levels won't be that for me.
But should it?
Why are girls slightly confusing?
Someone should tell me that.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Fucked 4 his3.

Re exams on monday.
Haven't been studying at all.
Not one bit.
Shall hardcore mug tomorrow.
Hope it helps.
Hope to be in J2 next year.
Hope Hope Hope Hope Hope.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Up high and down low.

I feel slightly stagnated.
I feel like I should study.
I feel like hanging out and fuck academics.
I know I should study.
I know I can't say fuck acdemics cause I'm in a hell hole course called the 'A' levels.
I know I should be moving forward.

So why the fuck aren't I doing anything about it?
Point to ponder.
Should do some soul searching after re exams, before J2.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

11:11 on 11/11/10, well not really.

I am sleepy.
I cannot sleep.
I have random thoughts strewn in my mind.
You could say I am confused.
You could also call me weird.
You might even say I'm bored.
We all feel.
We all think.
We all fear.
They will never understand.
They may have way back when.
They may hear.

But who really understands US?

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Been having too many blasts.
Having a slight headache now.
My leg is still hurting.
Gotta hand in i&r tomorrow.
Gonna study the subject that shan't be named.
Feeling slightly like a noobcake.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Monday, November 9, 2009

Yeallow t-shits. Havainas's

I'm waering a yellow tee.
A yellow tee from giodarno.
I kinda like it.
I think its really cool.
I dropped a lot of shoes just now.
I feel slightly guilty.
But I got to look at more shoes.

iRant, iHurtmyankle, iHatePW. Whats new?

My right leg hurts. Pain killers have numbed it.
Don't really feel much.
I have new awesome earphones.
Pain killers are making me drowsy.
I'm feeling sleepy.
Very very sleepy.
Tomorrow's OP.


Dead blog.
Lively life.
Bored kid.
Awesome time.
Is it ever going to be the right time?
Maybe in a couple of years time.
Till then let's try and have a good time.