Thursday, November 26, 2009


I'm flying off on the 3rd.
Somewhere I've never been before.
Well its not really South Africa or anything.
But the thrill of just travelling to a new country excites me.
So much to expect or nothing at all.
But for sure new found experiences that I can't gather from Singapore.
And I feel it comes at a pretty awesome time.
Right when I'm pretty much feel slightly lost & unfeeling?
Not the perfect phrasing but this emotion.
Can't really put it into prose.
But I think if I do some soul searching now.
It'll help me a great deal.
Just stop and take stock of where I am.
Where I've been.
Where I'm headed.
And most importantly how I'm getting there.
Doubt it will be very pleasant but I'm sure
I'll be relieved by the end of it all.
10 days is a long time to take to think.
And hopefully India would be a humbling experience.
Just to help me understand this whole
Mass called life & earth a little bit more.
Soul searching (Y)

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