Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Good morning people.

Its fuckin 9:30 in the morning and i'm wide awake.
Like shit man. Normal people are still sleepin what the fuck am i doing up?
Mayb its because i went to sleep like fuckin early last night?
Like say 11.
Wow, best thing is i've been up since 6:40 AM.
Who the fuck wakes up that fuckin early just because they wanted to,
not saying that i wanted to but it just happened.

Well maybe its just me,
and i'm a fuckin lazy bum so i usually am still the mayor of slumberland
at this time of day.

As everyone cans see i am so freakin bored that i cahanged the colors of my blog.
Kinda hurts my eyes though, the colors.
Maybe i should change them again?
Well fuck it, i'm too lazy too.
But not too lazy to check my sent messages, thats for sure.
Huh? Go figure.

And i have a new years resolution.
Are you ready for it?

Its to swear alot less.
And you can see from this post that i have alot of work to do.

I'm getting Yuna's EP soon.
My cousins from K.L got it for me and theyre headin down to S'pore soon.
SO i'll get it soon.

Hey guess what?
I'm gettin sleepy!
Awesome, i'll just fall back into slumberland.
I think they need me there, if not it'll be chaos.
Alright granted tht was lame, but whatever i'm sleepy.

Good night people!
urm no wait, i mean
Good Morning and sweet dreams.

Before you jump, tell me what you find.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

ME STOP SMOKING?? yeaaa right

Well to pick up from the prvious post, everything's been pretty much sorted out.
Execpt maybe for some details.
But all in all everything is cool i guess.
so no worries i guess.
everything is awesome.

And before i forget, YESMAN, is a fucking awesome movie.
Like seriously you wont waste your money if you watch it in the cinemas
even if i did watch it online, well who gives a fuck.
Bottomline = YESMAN is beyosome.

And i also want to learn how to dance like the dude from KOC,
I just think tht its fuckin awesomely cool ah.

I hope i can get Yuna's EP.
Shes a freakin awesome singer ah.
Too bad u can't get it here in s'pore.
But wateva, still might get it soon though.

And pertaining to the tittle of this post,
I freakin smoked like half a pack today ah.
like knnccb,
say only want to stop.
Good job ah Diq(And yes suf this is how you spell my name with a Q), good job.

Looks like i'll be watchin
Nick N' Norah's infinite playlist next year?

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Marah nampak, Marah nampak?

You say tht you're cool abt wateva. Bt then u seem effien pissd. So all i would say is I AM CONFUSED! If i like pissed u off then why not tell me wat i did to actually piss u off? Then mayb i could like figure out the whole thing. Maybe it was just a misunderstanding. Mayb your not even pissed at me? And this post is like 'tak perlu'? But wateva. As i always say, wateva rocks your boat babe. All i'm saying is that if this post hits a nerve, then maybe we shud sort this out yeah?

Kings Of Convineince=AWESOME-ness

I believe no one reads the shit i put up here rightttt? So i can actually use it as like my own online diary tht no one will read? Awesome i guess.
Well then firstl i would like to say tht Kings Of Convinience are awesome.
Obscenely awesome.
Just check out the lyrics of this one song,

Toxic Girl

In the sky the birds are pulling rain,
in your life a curse has got a name,
makes you lie awake all through the nightthat's why.

She's intoxicated by herself,
everyday she's seen with someone else,
and every night she kisses someone new
never you.

You're waiting in the shadows for a chance,
'cause you believe at heart, that if you can,show to her what love is all about,
she'll change.

She'll talk to you with no one else around,
but only if you're able to entertain her,
the moment conversation stops she's gone,

Well it might Not look so long or even awesome.
But give it a chance and check it out
I have no idea why, but like currently this song just appeals to me.
Well as long as my ears are happpy who gives a fuck right?

And life has been pretty much as mundane,
except for certain days.
Plus i think i need to stop smoking.
Like seriously.

But i will only just say this and end up like becomin a heavy smoker again.
Well then i guess fuck quitting.

I need to play baseball.
But firstly i need to get tht bat from kallang leisure park's sports link
Then it would be freakin awesome to play One Outs.
Haha yeaaaa.

I wanna watch Nick N" Norahs infinite playlist,
damn my friends keep telling me to fuck off when i ask them to go watch cause they say the movie is like a chick flick.
Well then i go see with a chick ah then.
And apparently i have found a chick who would like to watch it.
Bt i just pray hard her momma will let her out nxt week.
So i can watch it.

Alright then peoples or whoever reads this.
See ya arnd smetime i the cyberworld yea?

Thursday, December 25, 2008

First official post,- I guess

Well i really havent the faintest idea of what the heck i should actully blog about.
So mayb i should blog about 2008? Since the year is coming to an end already.
So 2008, hmmm. Its was pretty awesome i guess. I made a hell alot of new friends.
Like my circle of friends had a mjor expansion.
Some nsns ones, some awesome ones n i gaind sme really close friends.
Then toward the end of the year tht fuckin dumb piece of shit useless cheebye of an exam had to come.
Yup the fuckin O's came.
Bt aftr tht life was awesome again. Hangin out n shit again.

I hope i get awesome results and get accepted into an awesome school.

Bt on like a mre sad note, bcause I dun have studyin to occupy my time i strtd thinkin abt alot of crap which wld gve me random bouts of sadness. Bt i'll randomly get happy again.
So watevaa. Its all gnna pan out awesomely i guess. Hpeflly i get into a JC.
Then life wld b nrmal n coherent again.
Bt fr now i guess i have to make do with the chaos of feelings and thoughts which have no where to go so they just get nailed down in the mddle of ur mind and your forced to think abt them whether u fuckin want to or not. This feeling sucks.
So i truly hope tht if i get into a JC i'll be very busy with mundane routines to give me zombie-like relief from this senseless chaos, well maybe just until i want to start thinking about all this stupid crap again. like they say, u fight fire with fire. So tht equates to fighting senseles chaos with senseless orderliness. I guess. I fuckin hope so. But we can only know if i get into an awesome JC right? So just hope tht it works.

This is where i shall stop tainting the cyberworld with my senseless jargon.
OO yea. Before i forget.
Merry Christmas and a Happy new year to all the ppl celebratin out there.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

first post at starbucks,random-LEE

Apparently i have a friend who has a fetish for sleeping at coffee establishments. I'm only sayin this bcause shes sleepin beside me now. And she always sleeps at starbucks. Mayb i should bring her to a kopitiam then she can sleep with all the idle-ing apeks there. Tht would b pretty fuckin funny. Alright enuff abt tht then. This is just the first post to this randomly named blog. So in all spirit of randomness, there was the story of the sleeping fetish. So if u do see a small-sized girl sleepin at a coffee place. you'll knw its my friend. Shes a tad weird, even likes to bite people. So do approach with caution, shes pure EVIL.

Thts it then.
This post was random-LEE done