Thursday, December 25, 2008

First official post,- I guess

Well i really havent the faintest idea of what the heck i should actully blog about.
So mayb i should blog about 2008? Since the year is coming to an end already.
So 2008, hmmm. Its was pretty awesome i guess. I made a hell alot of new friends.
Like my circle of friends had a mjor expansion.
Some nsns ones, some awesome ones n i gaind sme really close friends.
Then toward the end of the year tht fuckin dumb piece of shit useless cheebye of an exam had to come.
Yup the fuckin O's came.
Bt aftr tht life was awesome again. Hangin out n shit again.

I hope i get awesome results and get accepted into an awesome school.

Bt on like a mre sad note, bcause I dun have studyin to occupy my time i strtd thinkin abt alot of crap which wld gve me random bouts of sadness. Bt i'll randomly get happy again.
So watevaa. Its all gnna pan out awesomely i guess. Hpeflly i get into a JC.
Then life wld b nrmal n coherent again.
Bt fr now i guess i have to make do with the chaos of feelings and thoughts which have no where to go so they just get nailed down in the mddle of ur mind and your forced to think abt them whether u fuckin want to or not. This feeling sucks.
So i truly hope tht if i get into a JC i'll be very busy with mundane routines to give me zombie-like relief from this senseless chaos, well maybe just until i want to start thinking about all this stupid crap again. like they say, u fight fire with fire. So tht equates to fighting senseles chaos with senseless orderliness. I guess. I fuckin hope so. But we can only know if i get into an awesome JC right? So just hope tht it works.

This is where i shall stop tainting the cyberworld with my senseless jargon.
OO yea. Before i forget.
Merry Christmas and a Happy new year to all the ppl celebratin out there.

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