Tuesday, December 30, 2008

ME STOP SMOKING?? yeaaa right

Well to pick up from the prvious post, everything's been pretty much sorted out.
Execpt maybe for some details.
But all in all everything is cool i guess.
so no worries i guess.
everything is awesome.

And before i forget, YESMAN, is a fucking awesome movie.
Like seriously you wont waste your money if you watch it in the cinemas
even if i did watch it online, well who gives a fuck.
Bottomline = YESMAN is beyosome.

And i also want to learn how to dance like the dude from KOC,
I just think tht its fuckin awesomely cool ah.

I hope i can get Yuna's EP.
Shes a freakin awesome singer ah.
Too bad u can't get it here in s'pore.
But wateva, still might get it soon though.

And pertaining to the tittle of this post,
I freakin smoked like half a pack today ah.
like knnccb,
say only want to stop.
Good job ah Diq(And yes suf this is how you spell my name with a Q), good job.

Looks like i'll be watchin
Nick N' Norah's infinite playlist next year?

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