Sunday, February 22, 2009


I haven't blogged in an awefully long time, but that's only bcause school has been über time consuming. From the lectures and tutorials in school and the cca's and stuff. School has just basically been way too big a shock. But I'll adjust soon enough. Just depends on how long. And I dearly hope it's not that long.

Apart from that, I was out like studyin/doing homework just now. And mind you it's only the end of the first academic week in school. Well anyways, I manage to catch up with quite a number of people today. All in all I met Jo, Jade, Nisa, Su, Shaz and coincidentally Venice. So basically today was a paticularly random day. Filled with a little GP and history I think.

Oo yea. I'm supposed to blog about my awesome friend Jade.
So there it is Jade, I just blogged about you. You should be damn honoured man.

The last thing I sort of want to blog about would be a thought that stuck me as I was on the way home and I took a long deep look into the sky. It was almost dusk, so it wasstill bright out just that you couldn't actually see the sun. As I as the clouds mulling over into the horizon. I felt a sense of awe come over me. Like I basically stood there for two seconds staring into the sky with my mouth wide open, till some nyomya walked past me and I realized I was standing in the middle of the sidewalk. The only thing I was thinking then was how huge and vast this world was, then that got me thinking how awesomely large the universe is. It kinda makes you feel small like all your effortin life is useless cause u possibly wouldn't make a difference in it anyways so why bother? But then again we are the only humans on this earth, so maybe all our efforts aren't all that insurmountable? Well all I know is essentially everyone has something planned for their life. No matter of it affects the world or just the few people around them. Everyone in this vast universe has some sort of purpose. And we should all work towards that said purpose, all I know for sure right now is that I gtta get through JC. So that's all folks. Random rantings from my weeyerd mind.

But you don't like Batman. That may pose as a problem.

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