Sunday, February 8, 2009

Mind Blowingly Weeyerd

So, the first week of JC has been pretty alright. We were in our og's for the first week, but since we knw of our cg's already. Orientation on monday is gonna be with our new cg's. N like i said in the previous post, i got the subject combination i wanted. So i just hope that my cg is gonna be awesome.

Basically what we did for the first week was hav the 'academic orientation'. And next week when we get into our cg's, we're gonna have our 'fun&games orientation'. Or so our level head mrs soh says.

The break down of the week would be, we had ice breaking games, college tour n introductory lectures. Which i have to include, our gp lecturers are psychotic. On the first day of introductory lectures, the first lecture of the first day might i add. I walked into the lecture theatre still half asleep, expectin a slow and mundane lecture about how integral gp is to our A level curiculum. But boy was i wrong. I was very awake during the lecture.

So this is how it all went. After we sat down at our places, the teacher told us to take out our notepads. So i thought to my self. "I guess she wants us to take down some notes or something like that, no biggie". Then she flashed this piece of paper on the visualiser, it had three essay questions on it and a set of instructions. And basically it meant we had an essay test. Then she said, you have 45 minutes to write a 400 word essay, you may begin. And i was thinking to myself, "Holy shit!! Is this bitch serious?", and apparently she was. Boy was my right wrist hurting after that. Might i also add that i wrote a shitty essay. Stoopid weeyerd psychotic gp teachers.

Apart from that little incident everything else has been pretty normal like in a fun way.

So about the title of this post, i had this weeyerd dream last night. It was about a friend but in a different light. And it was teetering between weird good and weird bad when i awoke. But i still havent decided yet. Maybe it was the two pop-tarts and the can of doctor pepper i had before sleeping caused this. Yeaa thats probably it.

I'm hoping that my cg is gonna be fun and awesome, maybe even enthusiastic.

H2 Lit, here i come!!

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