Thursday, January 29, 2009

Spontaneous Idealist

Firstly i just have to say that I've watched three really awesome movies lately.
1. Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist
2. Slumdog Millionaire
3. RocknRolla

They are three totally different movies. But all of them are awesome in their own right. If you like a light-hearted romantic comedy then number 1 is for you. If you prefer something like an urban fairytale then i guess 2 would be your best bet. But if you want a mind blowing 'gangsta' flick. 3 would be your fucking favourite out of them.

Just to put it even more plainly, like i haven't put it plainly enough. Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist is a movie to watch with your girlfriend, Slumdog Millionaire is one for the whole family to enjoy and RocknRolla is a movie you should watch with the dudes you hang out with cause theres alot of violence and an obscene amount of course language. Just like when you do hang out with them.

So basically three awesome movies everyone shouldn't miss.

Now pertaining to the title of this post. I took this ipersonic personality test again. The second time actually. But i think this time its more accurate.

So here's the results.
Spontaneous Idealists are creative, lively and open-minded persons. They are humorous and dispose of a contagious zest for life. Their enthusiasm and sparkling energy inspires others and sweeps them along. They enjoy being together with other people and often have an uncanny intuition for their motivations and potential. Spontaneous Idealists are masters of communication and very amusing and gifted entertainers. Fun and variety are guaranteed when they are around. However, they are sometimes somewhat too impulsive in dealing with others and can hurt people without really meaning to do so, due to their direct and sometimes critical nature.

This personality type is a keen and alert observer; they miss nothing which is going on around them. In extreme cases, they tend to be oversensitive and exaggeratedly alert and are inwardly always ready to jump. Life for them is an exciting drama full of emotionality. However, they quickly become bored when things repeat themselves and too much detailed work and care is required. Their creativity, their imaginativeness and their originality become most noticeable when developing new projects and ideas - they then leave the meticulous implementation of the whole to others. On the whole, Spontaneous Idealists attach great value to their inner and outward independence and do not like accepting a subordinate role. They therefore have problems with hierarchies and authorities.

If you have a Spontaneous Idealist as your friend, you will never be bored; with them, you can enjoy life to the full and celebrate the best parties. At the same time, they are warm, sensitive, attentive and always willing to help. If Spontaneous Idealists have just fallen in love, the sky is full of violins and their new partners are showered with attention and affection. This type then bubbles over with charm, tenderness and imagination. But, unfortunately, it soon becomes boring for them once the novelty has worn off. Boring everyday life in a partnership is not for them so that many Spontaneous Idealists slip from one affair into another. However, should the partner manage to keep their curiosity alive and not let routine and familiarity gain the upper hand, Spontaneous Idealists can be inspiring and loving partners.

Adjectives which describe your type:
spontaneous, enthusiastic, idealistic, extroverted, theoretical, emotional, relaxed, friendly, optimistic, charming, helpful, independent, individualistic, creative, dynamic, lively, humorous, full of zest for life, imaginative, changeable, adaptable, loyal, sensitive, inspiring, sociable, communicative, erratic, curious, open, vulnerable

I guess most of it really makes sense eh?

I guess its cool then.

This is gnna be a random part of the post. Don't have t read it if you don't want to, but i just hate people who claim to be your bestfriend one minute and then just turn around the next minute to be the most un-best friend kind of friend. That might not sound like it makes sense but it does to me. And essentially that's all that matters. So basically don't go around calling people your best friend then just because they don't do something your way, you go ahead and just turn your back on them. Wow that is very best friend like of you. I shan't name a person in this. But if it struck a nerve then maybe you should think over some character flaws you may have? Or maybe its me? But who gives a shit. It's happened too many times.

Whoaa i just re-read the last paragraph. Like abit emo ah? haha.
Don't care ah. My blog, my emo-ness. haha.

Kay then till next time u weird people who read my blog.
Weird people reading a weird persons blog.
COOL or what?

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Bollywood in english anyone?

Like holy crap!!!!!!
OMFG!!!! Slumdognmillionare is seriously like a motherfucking awesome movie.
Like seriously people!! I havent such a well made movie in a looong time.
Granted it may not be as awesome as the book Q n A.
But it had like the perfect amount of laughter, tears and seriousness.
I think its too late in the m=night for me to articulate properly,
but it sure as hell is fucking awesome. Well for me at least so those of you who dont agree. Well i cant do much can i? But this is like an awesome movie. Anyone who hasnt watched it yet? GO AND WATCH IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wanna go to an octopus's garden, in the shade.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Black House

So I just finished watching the innaguration ceremony of the 44th president of America, I was watching it with my parents and my mothers passing comment sort of got me thinking. She commented about hot many people turned out just to see this man getting sworn in. That's when i realized how huge the wholenthing was like an odd million people turned out. Like you could only see people for two miles. And as I was thinking whynthey were there, I sort of came to my own conclusion that they were all there for the message of hope which came with this innauguration. As the president himself said in his speech, sixty years ago a man like him wouldn't be served in a local restaraunt but now he can dare to dream and even make it a reality that he is the president.

So I guess amidst all this financial turmoil and the raging wars. Everyone would want to turn to the super powers of our time and see the hope that the approach to solving the current problems may change as the power is also shifting hands. This then gives people the chance to hope that the future will be ever so bright for the future generations cause the decision to change was made at the right time.

All in all I think that a day of innauguration and celebration was accompanied by a message of hope for better days to come as there will be a new outlook on how the global problems would be faced.

Apart from that I've somehow started listening to The Beatles. And their songs are amazingly, obscenely awesome. No wonders they were regarded as like gods at the peak of their career. And it's also cool how certain Beatles songs have ironic symbolisms to them, symbolisms that affect their own personal lives, i'm like listening to them nw as I type this out.

Just to pit it plainly, The Beatles are just


Well alright then I think I shall go and read for abit before heading of to slumberland.
Nihghts peoplen.

Monday, January 19, 2009

iLove my iTouch!!!!

So as you all can read, I finally got an iTouch. Not saying that I actually like wanted one. But my parents were nice enough to offer me one. So I just gleefully accepted. And it's a pretty awesome 'thing'(I have no clue what to refer to it as). I mean it has all these awesomefunctions already like the safari, YouTube and some other random shit. But it's still yet to hold any games. For that I need to ask Jade. Jade, pass me some of your iPhone games! Like then we can become more awesome studdy buddies! Like totally! So if you're reading this. Remember to pass me alright. Thanks studdybuddy, you're dmn awesome!

Can I just randomly blurt this out,
Your tendencies are killing me, like totally.
But then again you did give me that disclaimer right?
So I guess no ones at fault.

This is another sort of random vomit, I already said that it's cool. And I totally mean it.
So stop apologizing cause it's starting to piss me off. If u really wanna be friends then I say learn to move on.
It'll like totally help. And if your reading this, it may soud harsh. But I think you should realize some time that sounding that needy may not necessarily get you so many friends. All in all, I guess the best thing for you to learn now is move on with life, before it leaves.

I guess you did piss me off a little with all your apologizing.

On a much lighter note, I had a pretty weird time at t-mart Mac's today. I was with Ahmed and we were at Mac's like waiting to find out wheather his girlfriend was gonna come down to hang-out with us. But a whole random series of events which I'm too lazy to reiterate here happened which just basically ended like this. We were still at Mac's, but this time there was me Ahmed, his girlfriend and her parents. But obviously not sitting together right? Like obviously, are you insane? And also she sort of introduced her parents to Ahmed, where as I just left. So that's it I guess. I'm starting to get sleepy so good night y'all.

To those who are still complaining
Fuck you, I really like the colour this time.
So if you don't like then don't read ah.

Friday, January 16, 2009

It's done.

So i guess as everyone else knows, the 'o' level results have been released.
Essentially i didn't expect to do so well.
But i shall say i'm contented maybe even slightly happy with ,y results.
Sure i didn't score like 8 points, but heck i sure didn't study enough to deserved 8 points. So it's cool cause i guess JC is still a very viable potion for me right now.
And that's definitely the way I'm headed. Which JC is still to be decided.
But hopefully it's TPJC.
Somehow i feel that, that is the JC for me. People say that the School culture there is very bad. They say that the students have a very 'lepak' attitude. But when did i ever say that i have a mugers attitude. So i think TPJC is totally for me. I'll just need to keep myself grounded and don't forget about my studies. So hopefully i can say,

TPJC, here i come!!

All will only be certain when the postings come out. Even then if I'm not posted to TPJC, theres always the appeal route. And supposedly its a sure thing I'll get in cause apparently my coach is well connected there. SO awesomee i guess.

Apart from that i have to come to terms with the fact that holiday's may be ending in about two weeks. Like holy crap! That's not so far away. SO i guess i should enjoy these two weeks. Since like some people already start school? So i should be thankful i have two more weeks of late mornings and nights.

And for those who were complaining, coughcoughHAMIDcoughcough,
I shall change the color of my blog.

That's all then. Bye.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Its here people.

Alright then, just to say that most of the anxiety felt during the last post has pretty much been mellowed.
I sorta made a realisation yesterday when i woke up.
And the realisation's that whatever that's done is done, doesn't matter how many times i crap in my pants. The results are already there. Set in stone to be dramatic. But it is the undeniable truth.
So the best thing to do right now is just be as calm as possible. There's no point in worrying about the results cause its not gnna change it. And worrying about the results would just make u feel worse. Sorta like u fear something and because u fear it so much u even fear, fearing it then it all just turns the person into a big ball of nerves and that is definitely not good. So the best way to approach the results if you're like me, is to just take a chill pill and relax y'all. Just have the mindset of "come what may", and you'll be ready to overcome any obstacles or adversities which may accompany the results. Basically all I'm saying is if u really wanna worry then just wait till you get your results. That will be the actual time you should be worrying.

Having to answer that age old question,
JC or Poly?

Well till that point of time comes, i will still take it easy.
And for all you religious ones, all you can do now is just put your faith in whichever god you believe in. As for me, my fate of tertiary education is in the hands of Allah. So i shall just pray that, that fate has a bright ending.

I got it!!!!!!!!!
Awesome or what?!?!?!?!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

D-day is almost here.

I swear, i will need a pair of fresh clean knickers on Monday.
The fucking results for O's are coming out.
And i'm pretty sure i'm gonna crap in my pants.
Cause i feel that i sorta did badly for the papers.
But i bet if not everyone, at least some people feel the same way.
So all i know for sure is that i need a clean pair of boxers in my bag on
That will probably be enough.

Well other than that, went sheesha-ing again today.
And alot of random pictures were taken.
I'm not gonna post it up here cause like this blog has never had a single picture posted upon it. So i shall not taint the simplicity of this blog, and let it keep its photo virginity.
If you wanna see all the random and dumb photos then go check out Siti's/Nisa's blog. I haven't a clue what to call her anymore.

Other then that nothing much has been happening.
Ooh yea, i forgot.
I got a new wallet, cause my dumb ass other one got ruined.
What a waste of a perfectly good wallet.
But what the heck, I think the new one looks cooler.
So it all ended well.

And, whoever said infatuations don't last.
Has never been infatuated properly.

I hope that makes sense.
Well who gives a fuck anyways?
It's my blog.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Random rantings, smelly fartings!

This is some major bullshit man. Like its damn retarded the fact that i can only fall asleep at 4a.m every night. No wait, i mean morning. Yeah thats right morning. And basically i'm bored out of my mind cause theres pretty much nothing to do.

Any hoo, i bought shoes today. Aftr a few failed attempts at buyin slip-ons i decided on gettin a pair of brown high-cut van'ses. No idea if thats the right way of sayin tht. Van'ses or maybe its vans's. Yeah that looks more right. So anyways i got a pair of brown high-cut vans's. They fit pretty snugly but it's cool. They'll feel better on my feet soon enough.

Well apparently this infatuation is a long one. But somehow there's this feeling or thought or even emotion within me which wants it to be more than just an infatuation. Well like duhhh, obviously right? Wtf diq!? That was damn dumb of you.

Other than that, sheesha-ing at the new place is awesome. I've yet to buy a present and i just heard someone fart. Wow. Awesome.

Till next time i guess.
Stay tuned for more random rants. Like any of you would? Haha.

Blogging from my hp like cool sia.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

I think i listen to too much maly bands.


Firstly i have a question to anyone who is here,
What in hecks name is
"Gelombang nestapaku harap sirna"
Just the words in bold.
I have'nt a clue what the hell they mean.
And my so called 'higher malay' friends don't know either.
So do tell if anyone knows.

Other than that i just got Yuna's EP!!!
Its pretty awesome except for the fact that my com cant play it for some stupid reason. Well at least i can still listen to it.
And that's definitely awesome! So yeah.

Regarding the unknown lyrics at the top,
i sort of started listening to this 'indo indie' band.
They're called whiteshoes&thecouplescompany.
I think that they're music is like really nice and soothing.
Even though its in Malay, its cool.

Lastly to end of this post,
people say infatuations don't last.
But heck man, this one is like a tad long ey?
Well maybe if i wait it out it'll disappear?
Well hopefully.

And i'm gonna join the
NSNS revolution starting next week.
Hopefully i will stick to it.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

This is what happens when i cant sleep. My mind wanders and vomits this kind of stuff out. So don't think anything of it except of just a short story to pass the time and entertain myself. Alright then, i'm gnna go have breakfast now.


As slumber filled his eyes, he could feel the whole world awakening.
Birds chirping,
sunlight filling the room,
best of all, the sweet smell of his mother's pancakes.
But there was no space to indulge in these simple pleasures as the fathoms of his mind was occupied with a single image.

All that was there was this picture,
not a very clear one,
but a picture nonetheless.
A very beautiful one at that.

But there was a problem to this masterpiece,
it lacked the most essential part of what every great masterpiece had.
A name.

He was too tired to continue this search for answers within himself.
So he let himself fall into the depths of unconsciousness,
hoping ever so much that maybe, just maybe it would all be serene when he awakes.

As always he was sadly mistaken, the afternoon came, yet all his mind could comprehend was that same picture.
The oh so beautiful but never clear picture.

And as always he was awaken by the same angelic beauty, clad in white.
She seems to be the only constant person in his life.
And as always, her smile as sweet as the nectar of the gods was there to greet him.
That same smile he has seen or the past five years, yet it never fails to bring one upon his own face.

He loves her, years for her.
Yet he cannot utter a word about it. Nor can he ever express himself to her.
But he is only limited to the simple yet very reassuring exchange of smiles.
And as he thought that a sense of sadness overwhelmed him.
Was he just limited to that?
Only smiles?

As that thought crossed his mind, he heard the clicking of the hinges of the door.
Yet again she was gone.

At that, he returned to search for answers within his own mind.
As that was the only resource he has left.
Nothing else in this world is accessible to him,
only the dearthly fathoms of his own mind.

The white placid walls were definitely not helping.
As he was searching for this name in his mind,
he found an answer, at the least somewhere leading to the answer.
He needed inspiration, a certain spark to give the image in his mind clarity and a name.

As this was breezing through is brain he was rudely interrupted by the opening of his room door. He had just lost his train of thought. That angered him so very much. But there was nothing he could do, in this so called fair world, he was just a feeble part of it. So feeble there was no power vested upon him, no responsibilities just the apparent miracle of being able to breathe.

After the interruption passed he was jubilant that his train of thought had found itself back on the track it was originally on. And as though the god that he never believed in or ever worshiped vested upon him the inspiration he needed. And that perfect something was as aesthetically pleasing to his eyes as it was to his soul.

It was the miracle of colour.

It may have been coincidence?
And he himself would like to think so,
but it was too much of a coincidence for him to comprehend.

But soon he forgot all that and was just thankful that he finally found what he was looking for.

He rolled over to his opposite side and picked up his 'companions'
and created his masterpiece.

Now it was on canvas, it had a crystal clear perfection to it.
More perfect than anything he had ever created from his 'feeble' hands.
now it was there.

This could be his chance to show the world that he could leave a mark.
Yet all he could think was whether the lady with the sweet angelic smile, the lady he longed for would ever see this and think anymore of him then a autistic, cripple, mute.

This was the point where the colour, which was his inspiration.
Inspired him to do something else,something drastic like the colour itself.
Just so that the lady with he angelic smile would notice him.
At this point is where he made one of his 'companions' betray him...


The next morning all the lady with he angelic smile could manage was a gasp.
A gargantuan gasp at the scene which stood there in front of her.

Right there in front of her eyes, her most endeared patient with his wrists cut and his crimson blood which stain the white sheets of his hospital bed. And right beside that, she saw a portrait of herself which he remarkably has created. And at that point tears rolled down her cheeks and somehow felt a sense of relief within herself.
And only one sentence ran through her mind.

"Finally, Jhonny can be at peace with himself"

Its 2009 ya'll!!

To start of this post i shall say
Happy new year to everyone or anyone here.
Hopefully 2009 is gnna be awesome for everyone.

I'm like pretty bored right now.
Just watched Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix and right now i'm watching
Its a fuckin awesome movie!!
To all those of you who haven't watched it,
go get a life and watch it NOW!!!!

Other than that i guess the new year is going pretty well.
As for my new year's resolutions,
the smoking part is a total bust cause i've had like five sticks since the turn of the new year. But i'm swearing less i guess.
Like once or twice only,
thats cool i guess.

Now i gotta gt used to calling someone
For my own financial sake i should not forget this.
For those of you who don't get this.
Go figure.

Alright then. I'm missing awesome parts from the movie.
Plus i feel like smoking.
So have a happy new year everyone.

To whoever doesn't know my name is spelt with a Q.
A motherfucking Q!!

Till then,
I'm gnna go have a cigi!