Thursday, January 29, 2009

Spontaneous Idealist

Firstly i just have to say that I've watched three really awesome movies lately.
1. Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist
2. Slumdog Millionaire
3. RocknRolla

They are three totally different movies. But all of them are awesome in their own right. If you like a light-hearted romantic comedy then number 1 is for you. If you prefer something like an urban fairytale then i guess 2 would be your best bet. But if you want a mind blowing 'gangsta' flick. 3 would be your fucking favourite out of them.

Just to put it even more plainly, like i haven't put it plainly enough. Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist is a movie to watch with your girlfriend, Slumdog Millionaire is one for the whole family to enjoy and RocknRolla is a movie you should watch with the dudes you hang out with cause theres alot of violence and an obscene amount of course language. Just like when you do hang out with them.

So basically three awesome movies everyone shouldn't miss.

Now pertaining to the title of this post. I took this ipersonic personality test again. The second time actually. But i think this time its more accurate.

So here's the results.
Spontaneous Idealists are creative, lively and open-minded persons. They are humorous and dispose of a contagious zest for life. Their enthusiasm and sparkling energy inspires others and sweeps them along. They enjoy being together with other people and often have an uncanny intuition for their motivations and potential. Spontaneous Idealists are masters of communication and very amusing and gifted entertainers. Fun and variety are guaranteed when they are around. However, they are sometimes somewhat too impulsive in dealing with others and can hurt people without really meaning to do so, due to their direct and sometimes critical nature.

This personality type is a keen and alert observer; they miss nothing which is going on around them. In extreme cases, they tend to be oversensitive and exaggeratedly alert and are inwardly always ready to jump. Life for them is an exciting drama full of emotionality. However, they quickly become bored when things repeat themselves and too much detailed work and care is required. Their creativity, their imaginativeness and their originality become most noticeable when developing new projects and ideas - they then leave the meticulous implementation of the whole to others. On the whole, Spontaneous Idealists attach great value to their inner and outward independence and do not like accepting a subordinate role. They therefore have problems with hierarchies and authorities.

If you have a Spontaneous Idealist as your friend, you will never be bored; with them, you can enjoy life to the full and celebrate the best parties. At the same time, they are warm, sensitive, attentive and always willing to help. If Spontaneous Idealists have just fallen in love, the sky is full of violins and their new partners are showered with attention and affection. This type then bubbles over with charm, tenderness and imagination. But, unfortunately, it soon becomes boring for them once the novelty has worn off. Boring everyday life in a partnership is not for them so that many Spontaneous Idealists slip from one affair into another. However, should the partner manage to keep their curiosity alive and not let routine and familiarity gain the upper hand, Spontaneous Idealists can be inspiring and loving partners.

Adjectives which describe your type:
spontaneous, enthusiastic, idealistic, extroverted, theoretical, emotional, relaxed, friendly, optimistic, charming, helpful, independent, individualistic, creative, dynamic, lively, humorous, full of zest for life, imaginative, changeable, adaptable, loyal, sensitive, inspiring, sociable, communicative, erratic, curious, open, vulnerable

I guess most of it really makes sense eh?

I guess its cool then.

This is gnna be a random part of the post. Don't have t read it if you don't want to, but i just hate people who claim to be your bestfriend one minute and then just turn around the next minute to be the most un-best friend kind of friend. That might not sound like it makes sense but it does to me. And essentially that's all that matters. So basically don't go around calling people your best friend then just because they don't do something your way, you go ahead and just turn your back on them. Wow that is very best friend like of you. I shan't name a person in this. But if it struck a nerve then maybe you should think over some character flaws you may have? Or maybe its me? But who gives a shit. It's happened too many times.

Whoaa i just re-read the last paragraph. Like abit emo ah? haha.
Don't care ah. My blog, my emo-ness. haha.

Kay then till next time u weird people who read my blog.
Weird people reading a weird persons blog.
COOL or what?

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